About Us

Who are we and where did we come from?


Dogs Life Rescue 

Dogs Life Rescue was opened and run by Dave Rogers, registered in the UK as a functioning animal Rescue and transport REG: 14555312 with companies’ house UK.

Dave’s background comes from Security (close Protection Bodyguarding) and Security training.

Dave started his journey back in February 2022 when he decided he wanted to go help out the Ukrainians when Russia invaded, he hopped on a plane to Poland, with his friend , rented a car and drove into Ukraine. They started helping rescue animals with a few small organisations already over there but found that they were all “guts and glory” not there for the animals but the social media side of things, with that they came back to the UK and began to fundraise.

Once they had enough Dogs Life Rescue brought a van and by this time had managed to get a huge sponsor Big Dog Rescue, after driving to Poland again this time to an abandoned animal shelter in Poznan and began work fixing the shelter, cleaning it and getting it set up to receive animals from Ukraine.

The mission was simple get the injured, abandoned, unwanted animals from the worst places and bring them to safety, get then the treatment needed, and find them new, safe homes. With the help of Big Dog Rescue and various other contacts he had made, 42 dogs were cared for and sent to Florida and L.A to the Big Dog Ranch, 25 were sent to Switzerland, 14 to Sweden, 2 to Poland and 1 to the UK.

Since Dogs Life Rescue has started, they have successfully Saved and Rescued over 600 dogs from Ukraine, Turkey and all over the world via combined Missions with other organisations and People.

Since returning Dogs Life Rescue has focused on the on going issues based in the UK been involved in numerous rescues in the UK, from puppy farms, unwanted dogs, dogs who though no fault of their own have to be rehomed.

Dogs life rescue will never give up on the lost, abandoned and injured animal’s in this world regardless of where they are!!

The next step now is too open a permanent shelter in the UK where we can care fulltime for the animals we save.


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100% of your donations go to help save our dogs lives